Did you ever just wake up one day and feel like your life needed to change? It’s not because your old life was a problem, but you just saw a new vision? Perhaps you felt that you had gifts you had been given in your life you weren’t using?
Saturn had not undergone such a gripping transformation in the past 150 years, which no one currently alive on the planet had experienced! I knew this was going to be a deep kind of transformation that changes a person on many levels.
The astrology version of this change came because from mid April 2019 through the end of September 2019 Saturn was in a tight embrace with Ketu. The southern eclipse point Ketu, is symbolized by the body of a snake. Saturn and Ketu were dancing a very slow retrograde (backward) dance together over 7 degrees. Day after day I looked at my astrology phone app, and there they were on the same degree! Many of my clients were feeling it too and the phone was ringing for astrology readings. In fact, Saturn had not undergone such a gripping transformation in the past 150 years, which no one currently alive on the planet had experienced! I knew this was going to be a deep kind of transformation that changes a person on many levels. It’s also interesting to note that this change was happening right in the rising sign position of the USA chart.
For me personally, I began to study coaching and was astounded at what it could add to my astrology practice. I got my certification to be a “Vedic Astrology Coach” with ACVA, American College of Vedic Astrology. Then thirsty for more knowledge in the coaching field I began working on my “Life and Spiritual Coach” certificate with Life Purpose Institute.
My own personal work with coaching opened up a lot of new possibilities in my life. What did I want to create in my career and other areas of life? So many new questions and ways to explore what was next. I had studied spiritual teachings and lived them my whole adult life. Didn’t it make sense to share what I learned more with others? I began to see a new vision of what was possible instead of settling for “status quo.”
At the same time change is not always easy! Some days brought personal doubts that needed to be worked through for the new self to emerge. Luckily, I was in a coaching program so that was the perfect place to explore it. There was also a lot of work (Saturn) involved. Now I am happy to bring this new coaching practice to my current astrology reading practice.
The marriage between astrology and coaching is perfect as it helps each person to understand what the astrological influences are in their life.
The marriage between astrology and coaching is perfect as it helps each person to understand what the astrological influences are in their life, and then explore how that translates into real life feelings and experience. In other words, it’s great to know that one of your most personal planets is undergoing a half year eclipse, but what are you going to do about it?